I always struggle with the American national anthem. It's a strange feeling because I feel all resistant as it starts and then I get all choked up during. I've never been a huge fan of red rockets glaring and the like. And I am always confused at the end by the land of the free and the home of the brave....everyone goes nuts during that part and I always wonder what identification with this bravery means. In the historical context there have been many instances of incredible bravery, but bravery costs, if not us, them. Or us and them. We. And it feels sullied with wicked wars and capitalism, fear and greed. Individuals are brave, we endure, we stand up. But we as a nation seem rather afraid of a lot of things. What does it really mean to be brave in the west today? How do we demonstrate our bravery in the midst of so much fear?

Check out these apples. I don't know if it's brave, but it sure as heck is beautiful and generous and kind and just. If you haven't had a chance to get in on our Just Post Fundraising Project then be sure to check it out becauase we've got a few more days to raise the roof. We plan on featuring the grand total next week right after the Just Post Roundtable. Makes me feel all warm inside, just thinking about it.