Welcome to the Just Post Roundtable Pt. 1. One enormous list of posts, some old, some new, that all speak to the same thing - the lifting up of our planet and all that inhabit it.
What tremendous company we keep.
And before you dig in, let me honor the pledge I made and bend your ear a moment about Annika. As you may or may not know from reading about it at Andrea's spot, Annika is in need of a liver. And unbelievably, when transplants are needed parents are often asked to shoulder the costs. Luckily, Annika is connected through COTA who is committed to assisting in raising the costs needed to help Annika get the transplant she needs, but at last report, they still need to raise over $72,000. There are a variety of ways we can get involved, and the link above will help you learn more.
Affordable and adequate health care is a crisis throughout the world, but in countries like the US it is less about a lack of resources and much more about business. It doesn't have to be this way. If you want to learn more about our health care crisis, and the 46 million people (9 million of those are children) who not have adequate coverage, you can go here. I wish I had a solution - but we can continue to write letters, advocate for legislature that promotes accessible healthcare, and vote.
I often feel overwhelmed by such a gigantic systemic problem. So if you have thoughts or solutions or referrals to folks advocating for change please share it. I want to hear about it.
And now allow Mad and I to share the December Just Posts:
Andrea at Quietfish: Time to get my piggy back
Anne at Crazymumma: Ho Ho freakin' Ho Ho Ho
Michelle at la vie en rose: a sweet life: Me, Liz, Nancy Pelosi, and You...It's All Connected
Jen at One Plus Two: Growing Orchids in the Desert
Mad Hatter at Under the Mad Hat: The Courtship Posts: 1, 2, 3, 4
Sandra at Mommy Blogs Toronto: The Gift of Giving
Kristen and the rest of the folks over at Her Bad Auction
Canucks at Large: pardon-me-while-i-step-on-my-soapbox and soapbox-revisited
The Wedding Posts (revisited)
Acumamakiki at Sticking to the Point: The Wedding Present
Andrea of a Garden of Nna Mmoy: A Long History of Everything and A Toast
Bub and Pie: Wedding Gift
Carrie at Third Time's A Charm
Chani at Thailand Gal: Three Deaths and Universal Health Care and Bread and Roses
Cinnamon Gurl of Write About Here: Christmas in a Handbasket
CrazyMumma: Taking Rosie home to lunch
De Aufiero at Sober Briquette: Wedding Song
Deezee of Confessional Highway has offered up the Wedding Toast
Em at Three Countries, Three Kids: When the Lights Go Out
Jenny at Mama Drama: Always a Bridesmaid
Jill at Not So Sage Wisdom: Harm Reduction
Jo at Insane Mom...formerly known as...ME: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
Juli at Fresh and Sassy with Let's Be Real
Julie at the Ravin' Picture Maven: Day of Reconciliation
KC at Where's My Cape: Colorless
Lori at Momish: Week in rewind: The Hardcore Activist
Mamaloves: Someone's getting married and Strong enough for a man
Meno with a late wedding present
Mommy off the Record: Food for Thought
Mother-Woman: Kim Family
Mouse at the Mouse's Nest: Sneaking into the Back
Nancy of Mom, Ma'am, Me: The Gift of Health
Oh the Joys: Weddings, Justice and More Poo
QT at Can We Kick the Bar Here?: Wedding Bells
Sandra at Sunshine Scribe: December 6th
Susanne at Diapers and Music withwedding plans
Swamp Witch at Anecdotes, Antidotes and Anodes: A Wedding Gift for Jen
Tabba of Stretched to the Limit: Wedding Gift
Folks who contributed by nominating a post (or two):
Andrea at A Garden of Nna Mmay
De at Sober Briquette
Hel at Truth Cycles
Jessica at Oh the Joys
BubandPie at Bub and Pie
Lori at Momish
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first Just Post Roundtable. The button is yours for the taking - and if you need help, email me and I'll send it to you.
I look forward to seeing what the blog world will write about in January, and am committed to exploring ways to keep the energy and awareness alive as we move throughout 2007. Keep writing. And when you see a post that smacks of Justness send it our way so we can keep shining light in those dark corners.