I am back to searching. Dusty hot places. The sabbatical. It might not work. It has to work. The universe is shaking her head. There is still time. We need to go.
I am back to searching. International relief work. I can't stop looking. It's my porn. These postings are my porn and I am the lonely paunchy guy who can't get a date.
When I was in Chicago my palm was read. Secret things were said on the street with graffiti on the wall in front of me. Three women close by. I miss them. They heard these things too so I know I didn't dream them. She said my soul needed to leave this country. That it was time. I agreed with her. My hands told her these things. But we are still here. It feels like time.
The universe is shaking her head. I am stamping my feet. Negotiations run amuck.