the living is easy

It was perfect, this weekend. A little more than 24 hours spent cocooned in the warmth of my oldest friends, sharing both the highs and the lows, the twistings of our hearts. We spent too much time in the pool and I'm paying for it today, my sunburned face revels in the post mortem of our connection. Our yearly ritual will be thwarted by a jungle this year, I've conned them both into meeting me halfway in some sleepy little Mexican town next summer, we'll extend the 24 hours to maybe an entire 72. I will look forward to it all year long.

And now onward, in a few short days a whole other sort of giddyness will commence, more late nights and dearly missed friends, am counting the hours till I can sip mojitos next to you in the dark. But in between J and I will revel in another sort of loveliness, one where our child is safely swaddled at her grandparents and we will enjoy a few quiet and glorious summer nights to ourselves. Can you see my beaming face? Because it's beaming all the way from here.

Oh, and I almost forgot, I've got a new review up about environmentally friendly toothbrushes over here. Who doesn't love their teeth and our planet? Go see for yourself.

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