July Just Posts
Sometimes but not often enough I have the honor of seeing one. A kid, someone in college or even still in high school, they show up and you can tell they are magic. This one, he was earnest when he said I'd like to see if I can help. So we put him to work and I got to see him in action. He was sincere and unafraid and smart and seemingly even here for the right reasons. After awhile we got to talking and he shares what he's seeing. I can't believe how bad it is. He talks about particular people, calling them by name. He's creative in solutions, he's not afraid to ask. It's got under his skin and I love it because it's the only way a kid like this would want to stay.
I ask him why are you here and he isn't quite sure except he can't sleep now knowing what he knows. I tell him he's onto something, that he's going to have a million opportunities, all more attractive than this. His friends won't get it, his family might not either. One day he might want to make some money, get a nice car. It's easy to walk away and forget and it's harder to stick around. This one, though, I think he might have fallen in love with this work. I tell him we need all the brains we can get, that I see that thing in him, that rare thing that says this kid can probably do anything he sets his mind to so I tell him in all seriousness that I hope he chooses this. This can be extraordinary too.
He asks me how old I am and how long I've been doing this and I tell him. He smiles then you must be a little crazy and I tell him Maybe. But those fancy cars and fat bank accounts are an illusion, you have to decide how you want to live. I'm also honest about my pending escape and perhaps because of it I press him again. We need some of the good ones to decide to stay. He might, he just might and I'll miss watching what he could potentially do if he decides to make this his thing.
The July Just Posts
Baha'i Thought with Generation Y on race
Cecilieaux with The beast drops the second shoe, Two boomer final solutions, Le socialisme americaine and Disparity
Chani with homelessness in perspective
Citizen of the world with A time to mourn. A time to heal.
Defiant Muse with like a rolling stone
girlgriot with A Girl Like Me and Oh yeah and we all look alike
Hamguins Hide-Not with OFG VIII peace
Hel with Life truths
Jen with Passing Through
Jill with A penny for your thoughts
Kaliroz with sticker shock
Kittenpie with Down and out in Riverdale
Krista with The melting pot post
Magpie with On Marriage
Mrs. G with Seventies
MYLIBLOG with Uncle Bobby's Wedding
Practical Spirituality with choosing beauty: where do we go from here and Sacred life Sunday: authentic beauty inspirations
Slouching Mom with For whom city lights glow
The Ascent of Humanity with The red pill
The Blog that Ate Manhattan with Abortion on the Web
Under the Overpasses with Geography of hope
Some of our faithful readers
Mama Tulip
Don't forget to swing by Mad and Su's places to see what they've cooked up this month and remember, we are here every month on the 10th and everyone is welcome. All you have to do is write. Or read. And to those of you who join us here month after month: from the bottom of my heart I thank you. It simply wouldn't be a roundtable without all of you.