
More Community Organizers here. You'll be among good company, some of the finest individuals in the world believed that this is the way to make a difference for the people.

Margaret Mead said it best: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Ironically, without community organizers Sarah Palin would have been given the opportunities she has today. Without women fighting for the rights to vote for other women, none of this would be possible today. Men would still hold all public office. Women wouldn't be voting. So think on this next time you want to demean the power of the people coming together to change our world.

And speaking of community organizing, today is the last day to send your Just Posts from August to girlplustwo(at)yahooDOTcom. The Roundtable is coming up on the 10th and everyone is welcome to join us.

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