I know what you are thinking. Girl's unemployed now. She should have all the time in the world for blogging activities. It's funny how untrue that is. Emptying one's entire house borders on the insane, no matter that each obstacle on the list continues to find resolution. Take yesterday's garage sale for example. I'm sitting on the lawn on top of my child's bed. Folks want to buy the bed and that's good. But for some reason I can't get up. M brings me a cookie, she's tireless like that, she's always trying to make her own nickel off of the garage salers and usually they are suckers for her but I'm not paying. I bought the damn cookies after all. So I got off the bed and helped load it into someone's truck.
Last night my friends took me out for a rousing dinner filled with fancy drinks. After my second pear infused mojito I veered into maudlin. There are no pear infused mojitos in the jungle. Not yet anyways.
For the first time in my adult life I am unemployed. In fact, no one in my house is employed unless you count the cookie sales. You guys are the one constant. I'm not saying that to you know, pressure you. I'm just saying it because it's true. Tuesday I sell my car, Wednesday means the rest of our furniture heads out the door and off to a family who has finally found a place to live after a long time. That part feels good. But still.
All in all it's rather surreal. I came home Friday boohooing like a baby. I kept crying all night. But that night I had a dream, a dream I've never had before. In my dream I was flying and once I figured out how to do it I couldn't believe how fast I could go.