Everything is harder here. This is less of a complaint than a statement of fact. Going shopping requires multiple endeavors, putting the 5 gallon water containers in the car and going to one place to get them filled and another to return the glass bottles or sometimes the same place it just depends on who has what in stock at the time. One store might have chicken and it might not or it might only have the kind that comes with feet and we aren't quite at that stage in our journey just yet. Chicken feet will have to give us a pass for awhile. Bananas are everywhere but sometimes they are overripe and I can't figure out how things work seasonally yet, zucchini for example has left the freaking building without so much as a goodbye and it's been replaced with these freakishly hard squash type things that scare me a little. So today I dropped M off at school and failed at finding wheat bread so I came home and sat on my porch and looked at the plastic laundry bucket and the cloudy sky. Odds are it will rain as soon as it's on the line. I see a toucan.
Some days you just have to give in.
So I get my book and turn the fan and open a cold coke and sit on my ass and read. I read when J comes home full of dirt and dust and I read when he comes through again. I do however, offer to make lunch for him and the guy he works with every day. I do get off my ass for that. Grilled cheese and sweeping, these are the things I've mastered lately, but today it's on white. And I sweep like nobody's business. I could perhaps earn a MS in Sweepage if such a thing was possible.
After lunch I do something I never do. I take a nap. I climb under the mosquito netting and sleep hot and sweaty dreams and wake up just in time to race back to pick up M. On my way out I see J, who leans over and gives me a kiss. You'll be working soon, he says. It's okay to take a day off. I can tell he's a bit worried about me, he's so used to seeing me going 100 miles an hour he isn't sure what to make of this or better said, what I happen to be making of this and to be honest I'm not sure either. I'm not bored and I'm not afraid. I'm not stressed out and I'm not unhappy but I'm something and I don't know how to define it except for this all still takes some getting used to.
Oh right. The title of this post? Beatles White Album. But you knew that already.