We head back next week. I am ready and I am not ready, coming back meant so many things became easier, from bathing to laundry to eating to sleeping. Easier means more comfortable and I am like a baby lulled into a state of complacency here, where I can leave food on the counter for as long as I wish and fall asleep uncovered by nets. Leaving so soon means my life there had not yet become normal so going back is almost like starting all over again. I've known this all along, ever since the moment I realized we'd have to fly back and yet I ignored it for awhile but here we are now, it's time to cowboy up and it's time to go.
And yet I am excited. The whirlwind of the past month still ringing in my ears, the hospitals and lack of privacy, the freeways and the massive grocery aisles. I think I could fit every single crappy market in our whole jungle town into one Safeway here.
It makes a girl think. Sometimes it's hard to separate the truth from the bullshit. Questions like what is this all for really and what are we supposed to be doing and how much does my consumerism hurt someone I've never even met.
When we get back we are starting a food forest on our land. I'd rather call it a garden but J assures me it's not. It's rather a wild mass of vegetation where all the plants grow together in some sort of harmony. I can't quite picture it but then again I can't quite picture most of what we've done since January so instead we'll just go for it and I'll probably freak out along the way.
PS. I mentioned it before but I need to say it again. To you. Your support and kindness over the last month has meant so much, this place I could write frankly and have you listen. Those of you who came out of the woodwork simply to just let me know you are here and you care. It means more than you know. Thank you.