If you've been here before, or regularly, as some of you are, you'll notice something glaringly different to the right of this post.
Yes. BlogHer Ads.
I started inquiring about working with BlogHer a while back - interested in seeing what possibilities I might be able to explore as far as earning a bit of extra money. And the thing is, the extra money (or ability to earn extra money in ways beyond my work) is important to me because we so deeply want to move to Belize. We want to move to Belize, and we have no real idea how we'll survive. So I began exploring different ideas - things that might contribute to sustaining us that we can do FROM there, and that is a tall order. I can't build anything. I can't fix anything. I can't wash clothes properly in the river. But I can do this.
I can't tell you how ironic I find it that this is the week it all came together. I am not sure why I feel that this conflicts with my social justice wedding, or if it does at all, but something is colliding in my head and I couldn't stand not mentioning it to you. I have read other debates on the topic, and some have very strong opinions. I've always aligned myself more to the side of free will and personal choice, but I know that this is a hot topic for some. And I still want you to want to be here.
All I know is I have standards. And BlogHer fits those - by being able to designate what ads you are willing to host (social causes/family) by not yielding site or content control, and by being a part of a network of women. And if it becomes something other than I believe it is, I won't do it anymore.
But for now, I am checking it out. I am earnest in my desire to find creative and alternative ways to sustain my family so we can move to the jungle and raise M in the wild.
All I'll need is a good internet connection.
Thanks for letting me share this. Next I'll get back to my wedding plans. While the room is filling up with some of the most beautiful women I've ever read, we've still got room at the head table. It's not too late to RSVP.