I am getting around to finalizing my wedding details. Like choosing a maid of honor...I have my eye on Andrea at Athena Dreaming, and I am hoping if I promise we can wear recycled eco-friendly locally sewn by consenting adults hemp garments then she'll accept.
The thing about Andrea is that she is much more environmentally conscious than I am. She thinks with her dollars. She thinks by NOT spending her dollars. She's got a test you can take here that will give you pause. And pause some more.
Aside from being one of the most articulate and brillant posts I have ever read in my life - the thing that struck me so deeply (so deeply that I just finished reading her entire post aloud to J, who after standing still in our kitchen for several minutes in awe asked me to email him the link) is that she is able to think comprehensively and strategically about the core issues that bind us. The ones that make us want to throw up our hands and give up. The ones that truly overwhelm. And she breaks it down simply. Energy efficient light bulbs. Choosing who you buy your gas from. How you get to work. And how you invest your money.
All of it, in part and parcel, can reduce the consumption we so easily and blindly participate in. All of it combined can make a big difference.
And she got me thinking. In my own meager retirement account I choose to only invest in green funds. I set it up that way, and feeling oh so very principled, chose less growth potential over supporting oil. However, in my 403b through work I am invested in standard mutuals. I tried pursuing the green route, but this carrier had limited options and was making it complicated, so I let it go.
I gave up, just like that. I mean, why not? It's not my hectare we are talking about here. It's someone elses.
I am shamed tonight. And Andrea, I am calling my account rep in the morning.
Because you are right, and it has to stop. Enough is way too much.
We've got a LOT more space at the reception. We are taking RSVPs here. And Mad is doing an amazing job courting me. Her words and intellect and passion continue to astound. I only hope I can mirror her majesty (pre-wedding jitters anyone) and make her proud.