
Having your parents in your 800' house for an entire week teaches you many things. Least of which is discovering that you've continued to allow your kid to wear shoes 1 and 1/2 sizes too small for god knows how long. While I admit that I haven't noticed and have no idea how long this has been an issue, I guess I'd previously relied on the kid in question to alert me. (Perhaps all that falling down might have been an indicator?) It also means grandma bought the kid a new pair of shoes. Being a neglectful mother has it's perks.

So I was going through M's shoes this AM and she is convulsing on the floor in full throttle whine as I tried to weed out the other supposedly too small shoes, including a pair of velvet pink and purple fake-Chucks (which are pure money, by the way)

I took several pairs (unable to give up the stronghold on the fake-chucks) and put them all in a bag, and tried to explain to M that I was going to take them to share with other girls who need shoes of their own.

She looked at me mid-wail (one of my favorite things about her is that she can stop wailing on a dime), and said girlsnoshoes? Yes baby, some girls have no shoes. Do you mind if we share yours with them? Okkayymommy. And then her mighty preciousness took off her socks and put them in the bag girlsnosockstoooo okmommee?

Yes, baby, we can share those too.