she's back again, this time only after a few months off El Sal. the urge begins, the rationalization, the what do you think abouts....the we really need to check on our land (um, yeah. it's land. you know, sitting on the earth. what is there to check?) the places we need to go before we end up in Belize.
the talks on our porch about a year on the road, the hows, the whens, the bargains we make with ourselves aching to escape the familiar and wander dusty food stalls and listen to a sitar on the side of the road. the things we want to teach M. climbing mountains. sleeping with bedbugs. foreign beer. warm water. beans. cold showers. old buses. backpacks. red dirt. curry. feeling most alive when we are slightly terrified. negotiations, compromises, guilt, acquiescence, passion, hunger, barter, desire. sacrifice, enlightenment.
dammit, wanderlust.