I had a meeting at the shelter yesterday and when I pulled up I noticed 10 or so cops standing at the curb. Fearing the worst I headed directly over to inquire, my mind racing on the way (raid, drug bust, escaped killer loose inside the building) but when I reached them the guy in charge said he was taking the new boys fresh from the academy on a tour so they could see what a homeless person looks like.
After I introduced myself he turned to them and said hey guys, listen up. She can tell you what a homeless person smells like, looks like, and acts like. I took friendly umbrage and let them know that i actually couldn't tell them what a homeless person looks like any more than I could tell them what a sick person or rich person looks like because as with all people, there isn't one way a homeless person looks, or for that matter, smells. I tried instead to talk about why folks were homeless and all 20 eyes were steely hard, so young and fresh but so unflappable already.
I was considering dancing a little jig to lighten the mood when the head cop says I wouldn't want your job for anything in the world. Having to be compassionate all the time, understanding...I could never do it. I replied that I thought my job seemed much easier than theirs, having to only show up in times of trouble seemed much less rewarding than actually seeing both sides. It was clear neither of us was going to move from our postion of assumed rightness so I left them to their own devices and walked into a now empty shelter. That many police on site have a way of doing that.
The message the new boys was getting was such a jaded one - these folks are bad and need to be contained, get the job done and move on. I'd hate to have that sort of mindset, no matter what self-preservation it allowed.
Am packed and ready, minor butterflies already safely inside my stomach. I kept M up way too late and took way too long leaving her room and I am missing her and J already. But hours from now I'll be celebrating women and writing and toasting the lot of us for continued inspiration and community.
And before you go, stop by here and help Parker. He needs as much love and support as we can muster. And she's got a relatively new blog and I like it a lot.