Then she called me yesterday and for lack of a better way of saying it, she blew my mind. I answer the phone and without introducing herself says I see M everywhere. I see her on the highways, she comes and sits with me, she and I talk and talk. I've known her for lifetimes. I've known you in other lifetimes too which is why when you saw me you felt you immediately knew me, but your daughter, mon, she's the reason you are here. How lucky you are that she chose you as her mother, because she chose you on purpose, you know.
I should point out that I never told her I had a daughter, nor did I tell her M's name.
I am understandably taken aback, I am silent, and I think my mouth is hanging open. I manage to say her name and she laughs and laughs. I just blew your mind didn't I and I promised myself I wouldn't do that. But you are here for exactly that, M will be able to help show you the way because she is not as blocked as you. All you need to do is trust yourself. This is why you are here. This and to help the people here.
She goes on to tell me more things about M, about how they are communicating telepathically, that M is here because she is supposed to be here, that many children are here for the same reason and M is like them, one of the special ones. That M is happy here and will be happy here and how important it is. My mouth is still agape but I manage to ask her if she wants to meet her and she laughs again. Child, we meet every day but if you mean in the traditional way of course we shall meet. And then she proceeds to invite me to a sacred pyramid ritual, something she feels I need to do. She can only invite two people and she wants me to be one of them. The rest of my mind blows straight out my ears.
I try and decide if I am afraid and I decide I am not afraid but am cautious, this woman and her power and her knowledge, I start to wonder if she can see what I am doing through the phone and I sit up a bit straighter just in case. She asks me if I've done moon or sun or other rituals before and I tell her no, that I've spent the last 15 years inside shelters and she says well why didn't you bring the rituals there, that would have been a good place for them and my mind races through the years and I have no good answer so I simply say I have no idea and she laughs again. There's still time she says. This is why you've come.
This woman has completely blown my mind.