Remember those kidney stones? Well they reared their ugly head last night, J was in so much pain I actually thought he might die. We went to the "emergency room" at 11pm only to find there were no doctors on duty. In fact, there were only two women on duty for the whole hospital. So they medicate him (I could elaborate here but it was actually too scary to recount) and then we go home only for the medication to wear off. We come back in the morning and things proceeded to get worse. I don't think I've been this scared in a long time.
Long story short is the stones are one issue but there might be something worse underneath, something that caught us terribly by surprise and has us rather scared. We've been advised by the doctor here that we need to go to the states and see a specialist and we need to go soon so after much debate and heartache and tears we are flying home in a couple days so we can make sure (we have to make sure we will make sure it will be fine it will be it must) that J is okay and to also deal with those nasty stones, something relegated to the side for the moment yet painful as hell.
So after 47 days we are unexpectedly going back but are leaving our house and our puppy and our car in good hands and will return as soon as we make sure J is okay. Coming back home is the phrase I used and was surprised at it's ease. This has been an adventure from the beginning, as much as we want to understand why this is happening we can only feel thankful for friends ready to assist in the states and our new community here and for health insurance, that nasty bugger that everyone complains about until you really need it and then you realize how utterly grateful you are that it exists.
Because last night scared me and it scared me bad.
PS. If you are sending supplies for M's preschool but haven't yet shipped them please hold off till we know our return date. If you've already shipped a package I've asked a friend here to intervene and hope she can pick them up in my absence. I apologize for this, am not sure what else I can do.