The last full day of Neen's visit was near magical. We had the opportunity to take a canoe inside the mouth of a cave, going in to the utter blackness and back out again. It was dark and quiet (save for the yapping of two smallish people) and utterly peaceful (save for the yapping of two smallish people).
Once we were done we grabbed some cold beers we'd stashed in the car and then stopped for lunch before going out for a swim. We also got minorly attacked by a monkey. Bad monkey.
On our way we almost ran into a horse drawn wagon who'd stopped for a refill.
I was almost brave enough to swim under the falls, but then again almost doesn't really count. Besides, those river rocks are slippery. It didn't help that our friend (and guide) said I could make the entire trip in flip flops and was he ever wrong about that. The water was amazing, the sound of the falls and the clear water swirling all around us.
This last one is just a postscript from when we were at the Cayes. There's just something about outdoor restaurants on the beach with swings, mismatched chairs and battered, paint chipped tables. My kid's pretty cute too.